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The Dark Thought, the Shame, the Malice. I meet them at the door Laughing and invite Them in. -Rumi.............. Otherwise they just keep bothering me.

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Hot times

I know that most of the country is rejoicing in this especially mild winter that we had. Being from Michigan, I do understand how nice a reprieve from shoveling snow and icy roads are.

But I'm in Florida now (miss the seasons sooooo much=(  where its hot 80% of the year as it is. I was looking forward to the crisp cool mornings and hoodie weather the last 4 months was supposed to afford. But, alas, not this year (and I am concerned about years to come).

It was in the upper 80's the past few days. Not typical which means the scorching, humid miserable summer is probably coming earlier than I would have liked this year. Le sigh.....

The possible up side is maybe my veggie garden (which I have yet to plan, yikes!) will be a success this year. That is if my black thumb of plant death dosent go all grim reaper the whole thing.


  1. I think I wore a jacket once this year, and maybe pants for 3 days. We did totally get ripped off this Winter for cool weather. I'm looking forward to the garden, but not the lawn mowing...
