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The Dark Thought, the Shame, the Malice. I meet them at the door Laughing and invite Them in. -Rumi.............. Otherwise they just keep bothering me.

Saturday, April 28, 2012

Schools out for summer!

Nod to Alice Cooper for the title of this post but thats not entirely true. School is out for 2 weeks=P I did remarkably well! I got a B in calc which I worked very very hard for. I also got an A in my tech course which I didnt have to work as hard for, lol. Thankfully, that stuff comes much easier to me.

Good(?) new with Grimmy. I took him to see Dr. O Thursday for what I was convinced was for enlarged lymph nodes. Naturally, I thought the worst. My brain instantly jumped to lymphoma or Bartonella (which wouldnt have been awful, just a long duration of medication).

Turns out after doing a fine needle aspirate (he was good for it, such a brave kitty) it turns out I just have a really fat cat. Yeah. She aspirated what I instantly saw as fat on the slide. Apparantly, the "enlarged" I was talking about was a fat roll above his calf muscle. god.

He weighed 16lbs! That is a 5lb gain since December when we got him. Needless to say, he has been put on a very strict diet which he is taking pretty well. I switched him over to Purina OM since its a higher protein than Sciene Diet light which is less calories but more carbs. Since his problem is that he is always screaming for food, I figured a higher protein will keep him fuller faster. So far, so good.

Before I can even think about declawing, I need to get him back to a normal weight so he's not bearing all that extra on his paws postop. I plan on weighing him once a month to see our progress.

In other news, I had to euthanize Bruce the bat =P Poor little thing was wasting away. I have a few theories, he may have been an older bat which I suspect do to his wing condition. May be it was renal? liver? He never ate whole mealworms and I concocted every recipe from the book and then some trying to find something that he would like. He ended up liking A/D which is completely wrong. I would gradually add blended mealworms to it but he always knew something was up and would refuse it. I just hope that I did everything that I could. I think I did but I agonize over every bat that dosent make it to see if I could have done something different.

I plan on spending the weekend tackling more spring cleaning and catching up on my ever expanding to-do list.

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