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The Dark Thought, the Shame, the Malice. I meet them at the door Laughing and invite Them in. -Rumi.............. Otherwise they just keep bothering me.

Sunday, June 3, 2012

Ireland- Day one-Arrival!


Here is the day by day so that I can remember this awesome trip in all its fabulous details.

3pm-left Orlando Airport for Newark
7am (Ireland time) Arrived in Shannon, Ireland!

The view from the window of the plane as we were descending into Shannon was pretty much what I imagined from all the pic and stories I have seen of Ireland. Everything is so green! (name that movie, haha)

Shannon is pretty small and you could tell as there was only a spattering of farmhouses (not the kind you think of here in the US, but little stone farmhouses!) and miles and miles of green pastures and rocky cliffs. The weather was AWESOME. The climate is mild year round and it was in the 50's when we arrived. It was glorious.

The flight was horrible despite it being short (5hrs) due to a crappy airline (United, blah) but all was well when we stepped off the plane into Shannon! We were greeted by our British tour guide, James. What can I say about James. James was charming, funny, smart and so cute! First thing I noticed was his outfit which was so typically British. Brown cords, a button down shirt, a brown sportscoat, a messenger bag and a newsboy(?) hat that I found out later most Irishman and Brits wear. This was pretty much his look everyday and it just made the trip more authentic.

Shannon Airport

From there we drove to the village of Adare which, according to James, is probably the prettiest little village in Ireland. I have to agree! Thatched rooftops and the most adorable park.

Pub in Adare
thatched roofs!
cute buidling

We were only in Adare for a about an hour before the trek to our stop for the next 2 nights...Kilarney!

Here are some random castles (!) that spotted the road to Kilarney.
Kilarney to come....!

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