Although that is pretty dangerous. Cuz naming means I am getting attached. But, I realize that the shaky truce between Merlin, Edgar and Piggy would come to an end if I threw a 4th cat into the mix. So, he must find a new home.
Meanwhile, I am treating his eye, medicating him for an abscess and will be taking him to see Dr. Olson this week for his eye and to treat his diarrhea. God only knows what is living in his gut. He has been subsiding on trash and pond water so I gather he has quite a few freeloaders having a grand time in his digestive tract. He has been eating well though. Really well. He has been hanging out in a large dog crate in my garage, mostly content. He howls every so often but he is an uneutered male so I attribute most of that nosiness to that fact. He was noisy when he was roaming around too. Always vocalizing. He sleeps a lot and seems to be alright with the situation. I figure his alternative is much worse. I think he realizes that too.
Honestly, I am a little concerned about where I am going to take him. No one is accepting cats. The one that I thought I could count on told me to neuter him and let him live outside. Um, no. I wrote back explaining, nicely I might add, that I really think that free roaming cats are a huge problem and I can not contribute to that problem.
I explained that as a wildlife rehabber I have to patch up all the birds and small mammals that are victims of cat attacks. Its not the cats fault, they are just trying to survive being thrown outside (point #1). Also, I explained that I cannot release him knowing that eventually he will succumb to some horrific death through disease, cruelty, trauma or hit by car. I've seen that way to many times. Its just awful to leave a cat to fend for themselves outside. I dont care if you vaccinate them, alter them and even feed them. You are just sticking your head in the sand. It never ends well.
Anyway! Whew, depressing. He's a great cat though and I am holding out hope that he will find the home he deserves!
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