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The Dark Thought, the Shame, the Malice. I meet them at the door Laughing and invite Them in. -Rumi.............. Otherwise they just keep bothering me.

Tuesday, December 13, 2011


Can I just say I LOVE Dr. Olson! McLovin had his vet appt. I was sooooo worried about the cost since I am basically working for peanuts on this business and have no other source of income. I hadnt slept in days because of this. Not to mention I have no idea what I am going to do with him.

Anyway, why I love Dr. O. She examined him, dewormed him and tested him all for super cheap. Plus she is going to neuter him for me and get him started on his vaccs. I cant even begin to express how grateful I am. I wish I knew how to repay her for all the awesome things she does for me.

But, heres the bad news. McLovin is FIV positive. Now, where I might have thought it was the end of the world earlier in my career as a tech, now not so much. Its not a huge deal however this could really pull the plug on rescue organizations taking him in. They have enough "healthy" ones to adopt out, much less one that has a disease, no matter how minor it is to treat.

Which is totally ironic. I adopted Edgar from one of these rescue groups and was ASSURED and given documents stating he was neg for FeLv and FIV. However, since I trust no one when the health of my cats are involved I retested him after a lengthy seclusion and lo and behold...positive for FIV.

I was super pissed and upset but there was no way I was giving him back. I was already in love.

Anyway, its all good but I doubt that these rescue groups will be keen to actually rescue a cat that may be harder to place. Hopefully all this treatment will help his case.

I hope so.

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