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The Dark Thought, the Shame, the Malice. I meet them at the door Laughing and invite Them in. -Rumi.............. Otherwise they just keep bothering me.

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Will post soon!

Doing a big reno in the warehouse (opening store soon, for reals this time=) AND in the house. I am moving (downgrading?) my office in a spare room to a walk in closet in the bedroom. Its for the best. Chris REALLY needs an office and preferably one far away from the bedroom since I cant stand his dub step music haha!

Really, he is taking over the management of my organization in addition to Tasty Worms. Plus we are embarking on a new business idea but its Top Sekret =P

Anyway, I will have a much better post soon. A post to include Ireland, my organization, home renos and cats!

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